First off, random side notes: when I shave my legs here, it's not to shave hair but rather to get the caked dirt off of me. Also, the boys at the orphanage decided to go around and give each other wedgies so that silliness is officially international and inherent in boys. Lastly, I rode my first moto today! Basically, if you can imagine the traffic in Italy? The traffic/drivers here are honestly at least 4x worse and these little motos just drive with/through/around/swerving like crazy with the traffic--it was awesomely fun! The photos you'll see in this blog are of Orwich (the little boy) playing with my sunglasses, me on a moto!, and a boy whose live at the child's home but is deaf, can you imagine his life?
"Do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."- Mathew 6:34
"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also" -Mathew 6:21
Again, how true is that? My treasure is not technology (my laptop--but so far, this post has taken 20 min. to write because of the water damage . . . sorry parents for breaking it!! But the joy in the kids face while playing with it was almost worth it, almost). My treasure is being found more and more with each passing day in helping these people. They are beautifully made.
So, since writing the above section, (my parents will be thrilled to read this) my laptop has just fixed itself. I had shot off a little prayer and then resigned myself to not having a functional laptop but then today, I pushed a few buttons and magically the laptop restored itself to its' previous settings. I understand that many people will say that this is just because I hit the right key strokes but honestly if you know me you know that this wasn't just luck because I know jack squat about technology. So, I'm happy for that!
xx Leah
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