Oh wait, it's not home again for some kids. For some kids in Haiti, home can be as grand as a luxury house to a tin-roofed shanty. For the children I visited at the orphanage today--if you recall, I visited about two weeks ago and the owner starves the children--home is a term that apports little joy.
But something was different today.

A little boy, Eddie, (he's the one in the photos) noticed me. With trepidation Eddie slowly approached me. I called out "bonjou cherie" and he took one more step. I reached out my hand and what'd he do? He took ahold of it and didn't let me go the remainder of the time. Eddie maneuvered into my lap--all while holding my hand--and sat there. We didn't talk, we just sat together. The estimated rate of physical or sexual abuse among these children in this orphanage is a minimum of 50%. I wondered what his life story has been to this point. I wonder what his life story will read in 10 years. I hope that it's radically different in the best way possible.

This orphanage is always means I'll have a difficult day. I'll have difficulty knowing that they don't have clean water. They don't have food. They don't have sanitary living conditions. Heck, let's just call it what it is: they live in crap and their lives are abysmal excuses for living as they try to scrape by on nothing.
Some days are difficult. Some are great. Some are just 'meh'. But in all of these days, there is hope for tomorrow. A sliver of possibility exists that something great will happen and that's what keeps me going. Well today? Something great happened: Eddie grabbed my hand. Through holding onto me, Eddie revealed that he wants to be loved and he still has the emotional capacity to make bonds with other humans. There is hope for him and I'll be thinking of him even when I'm thousands of miles away, hoping for him.
****Do you remember Brisley?? If not, please check out my blog from July 15!!!! I've launched a fundraising campaign and would love it if you would consider donating. If you have questions about it, feel free to leave a question in the comment section or email me at: loswald1@vols.utk.edu.
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Also, please share this with as many people as you know. Please!
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