Anyone recognize that quote in the blog title? Going once, going twice, and . . . gone. It's a Lord of The Rings quote. And, I agree. But let us move onto other matters, shall we?

At the Demichel clinic today, I got peed on by a 1-yr old. I then proceeded to emotionally connect with this baby girl (Vanessa) who was so malnourished - - she's the girl in the photos. Yup, that's right folks. Apparently getting urinated on by a baby does the trick of emotional bonding for me. What's killer about Vanessa to me is that her mother seemed disconnect from her. It made me wonder if she would even give a passing thought if she died. Yeah, I don't have any funny comment or smooth transition into another part of this blog because cases like Venessa's aren't funny. It's real life. What cracks me up though is when I'm talking to someone back in the States or to some short-term missionary here and they say "oh, just wait till you go back to reality (talking about returning to the USA)". And here I am, talking to people who are older than me and thinking, "but isn't this reality? Isn't this how so many more people live comparatively?" Haiti. Haiti is reality--or switch it for any number of countries! The United States is a dream world that I'm thankful to call home but that's not reality.

Are you tired of my wonderings yet? Hopefully not because here's a happy one! Yesterday, Mickey, Liz, and I went out to the grocery store when it stared to rain. Naturally all the Haitians scattered like cockroaches but not us brave 'blans' (whites--this is what people call you down here). We were riding in a tap-tap (old trucks that have modified their trunks with wooden benches for people to sit on and usually have a covering of some sort with the words "Jesus Is Coming" colorfully printed on the front of the windshield). Well, Mickey and I were sitting in the back when the rain started and one Haitian was so concerned that we were getting
wet that he had me switch seats with him for better protection. Furthermore, he took a rag and wiped the rain off the seats whenever it started coming towards us 'blans' so we wouldn't get wet. However, in a truck that has as many openings as Swiss cheese, the Haitians attempts to keep us dry were futile but it's the thought that counts.

Another strange thing I saw at clinic today was a little baby boy who seemed fined but he had badly swollen testicles which must've been causing a tremendous amount of pain to him. He seemed fine. But he wasn't. If he was a little American boy, you better bet your bottom dollar he'd be complaining but this little kid wasn't. Just something to chew on . . .
Hope all is well,
Ps: how would you like to be this man??
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